Power Plant Replacement and Utility Infrastructure Upgrades, Master Plan Implementation, U.S. Embassy, Baghdad, Iraq
Completed Project
New Compound Power Plant and Main Office Telephone Exchange Building Construcion Works; Rehabilitation of existing power plant Building that will be used as a Warehouse and Central Cooling Center. SOW is including NOB, NOX1, NoX2 GCP Annex, GCP-WHA, RSO-WHA, GMP, REC, CMR, DCM, MSGQ, SDA-1 to 6, DFAC, South Gym, Water Plant / Storage Building Optional Renovation Works; New 11kV Medium Voltage Ring Line, Multi type Underground Fuel Storage Systems Installation, New Fire Extinguishing System, New Domestic Hot Water System, the New Cold Water System, New Perimeter Lighting System ,Sanitary Sewage Lines, Storm Sewage Lines, Rehabilitation of Site Telecom System, Rehabilitation of plumbing system; Landscaping and Irrigation System.